Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 87 - Looking Sexy!

We dropped by the house for a quick look. It is fair to say that once that house gets to this stage it looks a lot more like a house, but there is less to look at. In the first few weeks we had a slab one week, frame the next, roof the next, bricks the next. Now we have paint, more paint, more paint....

My first observation was how much brigher the house is now that it is painted. The merbau doros also look great. The painters actually stained the doors that need to be replaced because they are not double glazed. It will be interesting to see what happens there.

This is the bedroom wall that suffered a bit of water damage. It doesn't appear to have been fixed, but they painted over it anyway. We'll see what happens here.

The living room gets the afternoon sun. The walls still aren't finished yet but the roof is looking good.

When I said it was looking sexy, what I was referring to was the outside of the house. The window infills have been painted and they look great. We kept the infills on the sides of the house but we bricked over the rear window and the alfresco windows. We figured no one is really going to see these windows anyway.

And the other side of the house. You can see the window at the back has the bricks over it. It was quite a lot more expensive to do bricks over all of the windows hence why we opted out. They only need to do this when you get the higher ceilings.

The electrical pole that will not disappear continues its saga. I think this may become a permanent fixture in our bedroom. It has now been painted, at least it looks a little better when it matches the wall colour. Now it's been painted they might forget about it. Hopefully this is the last time I'll see it.

The showers have been waterproofed as well late in the week

Hopefully this week we'll have our painting finished. It is on MyMetricon to finish on Friday. Nothing else appears to have been fixed since my inspection on Thursday and I'm yet to receive the building inspectors report.

Getting closer though, both Casey and I are getting very excited with the wedding drawing closer and the house hopefully due for completion before we tie the knot!

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