This morning we had our independant building inspector come out to site to conduct what will be our second last inspection with him. We were met by our SS who we spent about an hour walking around the house and talking to about a few of the issues outstanding including where we go from here and what we can expect.
Given that our building inspector wasn't available last time around he checked off the previous report to make sure everything had been done correctly, which it had so he was satisified. He said that there weren't too many issues and all of the issues that he did find Metricon had already picked up anyway, lucky we've got a transparent and honest SS.
Yesterday I spoke to the SS as normal, he gives me a buzz every Wednesday afternoon let me know how we're tracking. The day before I had sent him an email asking whether any water might be getting into the roof through some tiles that hadn't been put back properly. the thing that alerted me to it was some water running down the render outside. He mentioned that he had a missed call from the painter along the same lines..except there was water in the master bedroom. Our diligent SS dropped in on his way home and fixed up the tiles, on inspection he found the cornices had bowed and the plaster was a little wet, he put up a pole to keep the wall upright :)
He's was trying to get onto the maintenance guys today to come out and inspect the plaster and see if it needed to be replaced. Either way the bowed cornices are going to be replaced.

The hole in the wall still exists, apparently the carpenters try to hit it in with a hammer....they need something a little bigger. The SS was disappointed when he found this wasn't fixed prior to plaster, he had instructed the tradies to fix it and they left it thinking it was back in enough. By the time he realised the plasterer's had been in and had to leave a hole. This has happened at 3 other sites he is building at the moment so it seems to be a common problem.

This is the only really bad plastering issue we have at the moment that is a genuine fault. The plaster appears to come out further on one side of the wall rather than following the frame. They are going to have to take this wall out and possibly the cupboard as well to redo the plaster etc.

Apparently in our house design they had a design issue with the front door. These days it is fashionable to have the higher ceiling with higher doors. The ceilings aren't an issue but the higher front door causes a little problem under our portico. The support beams weren't designed with a high door in mind so the door is actually higher than these beams. They need to put in some boards that they can render over because they can't get bricks in there. Once this is done, they'll render it up and lay the plaster for the portico.

The brickies need to come out and pull out these eaves as per my previous blog because the rubber seals are missing from the bottom of the window. The eaves are also too high. In the next few weeks the brickies will come out, pull out the eaves, window guys will insert the seals and brickies will re-brick it.

I'm thinking of becoming a building inspector. I noticed above our bedroom door that the frame and wall didn't appear to be square. There is also a mysterious hole in the roof that isn't near an electrical point and it isn't centered, someone must have put a piece of wood through the roof. They are going to pull down the cornices and try to get this straight again. We have a few doors like this.

We weren't allowed to put a power point on the other side of our mirror because it was a risk near the bath. Instead they put the electrical power point on the side of the stud that sits within the shower frame cavity. What this means is that we'll be able to shower and dry our hair all at the same time. This is apparently common with some designs and we're told it is no biggy to fix. It is because the electricians need to guess how far out the mirror frame will come and then guess the hole...they were close at least.

We are still waiting on a quote about our fence. We need to put in a sleeper to build it up to our ground level on our side which we need to fill. A few people have commented how close the houses are, that's because of where the driveways are, our living areas are a reasonable space apart.

This is how high we need to fill up the garage side of the house.

We're thinking about putting a deck in here, still not sure whether to do it ourselves or pay someone. Metricon aren't going to fill it though so that way we can do the deck more easiliy and we won't have to clear it out again.

The painting started today, they spent most of the time we were there covering windows, doors and cupboards. They had started painting just before we left and we hope they'll be finished by the end of next week.

This is all the cupboards covered up.
All in all things are going pretty well, we've had a few issues but for the most part they have been resolved quite well. The tilers are booked in for around the 24th of August and it should take them about a week to finish. From that point Metricon normally aim for about 4-5 weeks to get to one of our final walkthrough's.
Before Metricon will let us in their quality assurance team needs to come in and give the site at least a 97% complete mark so that we don't pick up little things that haven't been done. This ensures we don't complain and think we're miles from completion and it also ensures we get in not too much longer after that.
Based on those estimates we will hopefully be in by about mid to late October.
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