1. Frame corner blocks missing near laundry door
Apparently it is really important to have these blocks between the frame as it stops it from moving down the track.

2. Tri-Stacker Packing
There is a small gap between the rear door and the frame. It is important this is packed to stop the door bouncing when its closed.

3. Missing Bolt
I noticed that there is meant to be a bolt in the front room but it looksl ike the drill bit got stuck, so they left it there.

This week the roof tiles went on which is exciting, now the frame looks even more like a house. We upgraded to a flat tile from Bristile which is the roof tile range of Austral. The tile we picked is concrete right through so it does't fade like the typical default coloured concrete tiles which fade with time.
We're happy with the colour combination of gutters, fascia's and tiles. The house was also wrapped up this week ready for the bricking to start tomorrow. The front door still hasn't gone in yet because we have one door that is too small and one door that is too large sitting onsite. The tri-stacker at the back has had all the doors installed even though they need to be removed again.
There front of the house is starting to come together, can't wait to see the bricks go up.

This is the view from the side, it's a little easier to see the roof. The bricks are also onsite.

This week we're expecting to have the plumbing rough-in done and the bricks will start. Now that the roof is on the house is a little bit dark without the plasterboard or flooring in. In hindsight we're thinking we shoul dhaev put a window in the fourth bedroom, one of the long high ones. We had it quoted but pulled it out to save a bit of money, given time again we may have put it in but I'm sure it will be fine as the house comes along. The outdoor area is magnificant in the sun, let's hope that our neighbours behind us don't build double storey and block it out.
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