Site Supervisor
Our SS said that things were going along well and that at this stage this week we should have the plumbing rough-in complete, the roof tiling complete and the windows installed in the frame. He also said that at a normal house build time is about 25-26 weeks for this type of house and that although he has no idea how long this one will take that if all things go well that's what we could base our completion date on. That would put us at completion in the middle of November which works out great for us. Let's hope things keep on track.
Building Inspector
We are yet to receive our report from the building inspector but he said that the quality of the frame was really good. He said they used very good wood and it was all pretty much square with all the rooms the right size. The slab he said was pretty much spot on and they had done a very good job. The only thing he picked up while we were onsite was a couple of blocks missing from the garge wall which need to be between each of the pre-fabricated frames. He was also happy they put down some weather-proofing below the frame where the bricks will go. I'll wait for the full report but hopefully it's all good and he found nothing more.
A Few Issues
All that said about Friday, today we visited the block to find the windows installed...we also stumbled across our first issues.
1. No Double Glazing
Our tri-stacker door has been installed but after close inspection there is no double glazing. It will be interesting to see what they do to fix this. The frame is in and it looks like they will have to take it out in order to fix it.

2. Window Upside-Down
Our family room window was installed upside-down. You wouldn't think it would be that hard to know that the handle is on the roof, just out of reach. Anyway, it will have to be fixed at some point obviously.

3. Broken Windows
We had 2 broken windows, the front window was the worst of the 2 with the family room, not only upside down but with a crack in it.

4. Wrong Door Frame
The front door frame hasn't been installed yet, it looks like it was because they ordered the wrong size. Today when we visited there was another door frame onsite but it didn't have the frosted glass. This is the first oen that was too small. The second picture shows the clear glass instead of the frosted glass.

5. Wrong Coloured Window Winders
The window winders were meant to be woodland grey, but they are black. In the end they look pretty good so I think we'll leave them the way they are.

6. Window Missing
It looks like we got all of our windows onsite except for one. The rear rumpus room window is missing...might get a bit chilly during winter....brrrr.

Progress Photos
There are also some photo's of things that aren't issues which is nice....see below:
The front of the house with the roof on

It will be interesting to see what the outcomes with the above issues will be.....stay tuned.
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