I'm still yet to receive a call from Site Supervisor or my new Customer Service Co-Ordinator. I'll give it a few more days before I chase it up. We dropped in to the display village (the biggest in Victoria!!!) at the front of the estate while we were there to check out a couple of newly opened Metricon homes. Nathan who sold us our house was there and said that we should be in by Christmas all things going well.

I was looking at the plans today and where I moved to the hot water system to I'm not overly happy about, I should have left it where it was. I initially moved it towards the back of the house on the side to fit in a water tank but based on where the new down pipe is it might struggle to fit anyway. We'll see what happens.
I also had a bit more of a browse through the building permits and noticed that our house was rated 6.3 stars in energy efficiency which is great.. The label only has 5 in it so that's a positive :) I think the main reasons we achieved this rating was:
- Double Glazed all Windows
- Added more air vents for evaporative cooling
- Upgraded the Ducted Heating to 4 star
- Upgraded the Evaporative Cooling to 4 star
- The house runs South / North with little living area and only 1 window at the back facing north.
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